What is Prevagen? Learn More about Prevagen (2024)

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' if(count !== 0){ accountTemplate += '

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' accountTemplate += '' } else{ accountTemplate += '

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' } accountTemplate += '' return accountTemplate; } $.ajax({ url: recurpay.accountAPI, type: 'GET', success: function(response){ var accountHTML = ''; if(response != "ERROR" && response.success == true) { accountHTML = recurAccount(response.data.subscription.count); } else { accountHTML = recurAccount(0); } if($(accountSelector).length){ $(accountSelector).html(accountHTML); } }, error: function(jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ console.log( errorThrown ); } }); $(document).on('click', subscriptionSelector, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var checkoutForm = $(""); $('body').append(checkoutForm); checkoutForm.submit(); }); } // CART PAGE function recurCart(cartData){ var checkoutData = [], cartItems = cartData.items, cartAttributes = [], cartNote = cartData.note, recurpayCheckout = false; $.each( cartData.attributes, function(key, value ) { if(key != "Plan" && key != '_PlanId'){ cartAttributes.push({ name: key, value:value }); } }); for(var i=0; i < cartItems.length; i++){ var Planid = '', item = cartItems[i], property = item.properties, lineProperty = []; if(property){ if(property._PlanId){ Planid = property._PlanId recurpayCheckout = true; } $.each( property, function(key, value ) { if(key != "Plan" && key != '_PlanId'){ lineProperty.push({ name: key, value:value }); } }); } if(Planid == ''){ checkoutData.push({ quantity: item.quantity, variant_id: item.id, properties: lineProperty, type: 'ONETIME', currency:'INR' }); } else{ checkoutData.push({ quantity: item.quantity, variant_id: item.id, properties: lineProperty, plan_id: Planid, type: 'SUBSCRIPTION', currency:'INR' }); } } if(recurpayCheckout) { var getCheckoutData = JSON.stringify(checkoutData), getCartAttributes = JSON.stringify(cartAttributes), cartNote = $('[name="note"]').val(); checkoutForm = $(""); $('body').append(checkoutForm); checkoutForm.submit(); } else { document.location.href = "/checkout"; } } // VARIANT SELECTOR function getProductHandle(href) { if (typeof href === "undefined") { var href = window.location.href; href = href.replace("/products/products", "/products"); } if (/\/products\/([^\?\/\n]+)/.test(href)) { var found = href.match(/\/products\/([^\?\/\n]+)/); if (typeof found[1] !== "undefined") { try { return decodeURIComponent(found[1]).replace("#", ""); } catch (e) { return found[1].replace("#", ""); } } } return false; } recurpay.recurMoney = { formatPrice: function (price, convertCurrency) { if (typeof Shopify !== "undefined" && Shopify.hasOwnProperty("currency") && Shopify.currency.hasOwnProperty("rate")) { var currency = Shopify.currency.active; var exchangeRate = Shopify.currency.rate; var moneyFormat = "" + currency; var currencyFormat = ""; if (typeof convertCurrency === "undefined") { convertCurrency = false; } if (convertCurrency && exchangeRate !== "1.0") { price = this.convertMoney(price, exchangeRate, currency); } var bodyAttrMoneyFormat = $("body").attr("data-money-format"); if (currencyFormat !== "") { moneyFormat = currencyFormat; } else { if (typeof Shopify !== "undefined" && typeof Shopify.currency_settings !== "undefined" && typeof Shopify.currency_settings.money_format !== "undefined") { moneyFormat = Shopify.currency_settings.money_format; } else if (typeof window.money_format !== "undefined") { moneyFormat = window.money_format; } else if (typeof window.Theme !== "undefined" && typeof window.Theme.moneyFormat !== "undefined") { moneyFormat = window.Theme.moneyFormat; } else if (typeof window.theme !== "undefined" && typeof window.theme.moneyFormat !== "undefined") { moneyFormat = window.theme.moneyFormat; } else if (typeof window.theme !== "undefined" && typeof window.theme.money_format === "string") { moneyFormat = window.theme.money_format; } else if (typeof window.theme !== "undefined" && typeof window.theme.settings !== "undefined" && typeof window.theme.settings.moneyFormat !== "undefined") { moneyFormat = theme.settings.moneyFormat; } else if (typeof window.theme !== "undefined" && typeof window.theme.strings !== "undefined" && typeof window.theme.strings.moneyFormat === "string") { moneyFormat = window.theme.strings.moneyFormat; } else if (typeof window.Currency !== "undefined" && typeof window.Currency.money_format !== "undefined" && typeof window.Currency.money_format[currency] === "string") { moneyFormat = window.Currency.money_format[currency]; } else if (typeof window.Currency !== "undefined" && typeof window.Currency.money_format === "string") { moneyFormat = window.Currency.money_format; } else if (typeof bodyAttrMoneyFormat !== "undefined" && typeof bodyAttrMoneyFormat === "string" && bodyAttrMoneyFormat !== "") { moneyFormat = bodyAttrMoneyFormat; } else if (typeof wsgMoneyFormat === "string") { moneyFormat = wsgMoneyFormat; } else if (typeof price_format === "string") { moneyFormat = price_format; } else { price = price / 100; return price.toLocaleString(undefined, { style: "currency", currency: currency || this.getDefaultCurrency() }); } } return this.formatMoney(price, moneyFormat, currency || this.getDefaultCurrency()); } return ""; }, formatMoney: function (cents, format, fallbackCurrency, directionFor50) { if (typeof directionFor50 === "undefined") { var directionFor50 = "up"; } try { if (typeof cents == "string") { cents = cents.replace(".", ""); } var value = ""; var placeholderRegex = /\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/; var formatString = format; function defaultOption(opt, def) { return typeof opt == "undefined" ? def : opt; } function formatWithDelimiters(number, precision, thousands, decimal, directionFor50) { precision = defaultOption(precision, 2); thousands = defaultOption(thousands, ","); decimal = defaultOption(decimal, "."); directionFor50 = defaultOption(directionFor50, "up"); if (isNaN(number) || number == null) { return 0; } var originalNumber = number; number = (number / 100.0).toFixed(precision); if (directionFor50 === "down") { if (originalNumber / 100 - number === -0.5) { number -= 1; number = number.toString(); } } var parts = number.split("."), dollars = parts[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1" + thousands), cents = parts[1] ? decimal + parts[1] : ""; return dollars + cents; } switch (formatString.match(placeholderRegex)[1]) { case "amount": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2); break; case "amount_no_decimals": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, ",", ".", directionFor50); break; case "amount_with_comma_separator": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, ".", ","); break; case "amount_with_decimal_separator": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, ",", "."); break; case "amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, ".", ",", directionFor50); break; case "amount_no_decimals_with_space_separator": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, " ", ",", directionFor50); break; case "amount_with_apostrophe_separator": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, "'", "."); break; } return formatString.replace(placeholderRegex, value); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message); price = cents / 100; return price.toLocaleString(undefined, { style: "currency", currency: fallbackCurrency }); } }, convertMoney: function (value, rate, currency, round) { if (value <= 0) { return 0; } value *= rate; var roundUp = ["USD", "CAD", "AUD", "NZD", "SGD", "HKD", "GBP"]; var roundTo100 = ["JPY"]; var roundTo95 = ["EUR"]; if (round) { if (roundUp.indexOf(currency) !== -1) { value = Math.ceil(value); } else if (roundTo100.indexOf(currency) !== -1) { value = Math.ceil(value / 100) * 100; } else if (roundTo95.indexOf(currency) !== -1) { value = Math.ceil(value) - 0.05; } } return value; } }; function fetchVariants(){ if(getProductHandle() !== false){ var productURL = "/products/"+getProductHandle()+".json"; $.ajax({ url: productURL, type: 'GET', success: function(response){ recurpay.productData = response; var params = new Proxy(new URLSearchParams(window.location.search), { get: (searchParams, prop) => searchParams.get(prop), }); recurpay.product.selectedVariant = params.variant recurDiscountedPrice(recurpay.product.selectedVariant); }, error: function(jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ console.log( errorThrown ); } }); } } function calculatePrice(variant_id){ var variant_json = {}; var variant_price = 0; if(variant_id !== undefined && variant_id !== null){ variant_id = parseInt(variant_id); var variant_data = recurpay.productData.product.variants.filter(function(searchId) { return searchId.id == variant_id; }); if(variant_data.length >=1){ var get_variant_price = variant_data[0].price; // var get_variant_price = variant_data[0].price*100; // variant_price = recurpay.recurMoney.formatPrice(get_variant_price); } } else{ var get_variant_price = recurpay.productData.product.variants[0].price; // var get_variant_price = recurpay.productData.product.variants[0].price*100; // variant_price = recurpay.recurMoney.formatPrice(get_variant_price); } return get_variant_price; } function formatPriceMoney(price){ var multiple_price = price*100; var formatted_price = recurpay.recurMoney.formatPrice(multiple_price); return formatted_price; } $(atcFormSelector).closest(".product__meta").find("button.product__chip").on("click", function () { setTimeout(function() { recurpay.product.selectedVariant = $(atcFormSelector).find('select[name="id"]').val(); recurDiscountedPrice(recurpay.product.selectedVariant); },100); }); $(atcFormSelector).find(".combobox, .wetheme-dropdown__wrapper ul[id^='SingleOptionSelector-'] li, .option-values-radio .popover-list-item .form-element-radio, .single-option-selector .bcpo-image-parent, .regular-select-item, .bcpo-dd.single-option-selector ul.inner li, #clickyboxes-SingleOptionSelector-0 a, button.product__chip, .form-swatch-item, .product-variant__container .product-variant__label, .options-selection__option-value, .popout-list__option--product, .option-swatch .custom-swatch, ul.select-dropdown li, .swatch-element, .swatch_pr_item, .basel-swatch, .swatchBox label, .swatchBox span").on("click", function () { setTimeout(function() { recurpay.product.selectedVariant = $(atcFormSelector).find('select[name="id"], input[name="id"][type="radio"]:checked').val(); recurDiscountedPrice(recurpay.product.selectedVariant); },100); }); $(atcFormSelector).closest(".product-selection").find("select.single-option-selector").on("change", function () { setTimeout(function() { recurpay.product.selectedVariant = $(atcFormSelector).find('select[name="id"]').val(); recurDiscountedPrice(recurpay.product.selectedVariant); },100); }); $(atcFormSelector).find('input#SelectedId, select.js-variant-select, input[name="id"], select[name="id"], .select.single-option-selector, .zpa-single-option-selector, .select.options-selection__input-select, .form-options input.option-value-input, .variant-input input[type="radio"], .product-form__option-select, .option-selectors .selector-wrapper select, select.single-option-list-type, .product-options .option-input, select.input-reset, select.js-product-variant, select[data-single-option-selector], input[data-single-option-selector], select.single-option-selector-product-template, .single-option-selector[type="radio"], .single-option-selector-product-template[type="radio"]').on("change", function () { setTimeout(function() { recurpay.product.selectedVariant = $(atcFormSelector).find('input[name="id"], select[name="id"], input#SelectedId').val(); recurDiscountedPrice(recurpay.product.selectedVariant); },100); }); function recurDiscountedPrice(variant){ $("#recurpay__frequency_label option").each(function(){ var $this = $(this); var getDiscount = $(this).attr("data-plan-discount"); var getPlanName = $(this).attr("data-plan-name"); var getVariantPrice = calculatePrice(variant); var discountedPrice = getVariantPrice - (getVariantPrice * getDiscount / 100); if(parseFloat(getVariantPrice) !== parseFloat(discountedPrice)){ $this.html(getPlanName+" ("+formatPriceMoney(discountedPrice)+")"); if($this.is(':selected')){ $this.parents('.recurpay__widget').find(".recurpay__widget_container[data-type='subscription-purchase']").find(".recurpay__group_compare_price").html(""+formatPriceMoney(getVariantPrice)+""); } } else{ $this.html(getPlanName+"("+formatPriceMoney(discountedPrice)+")"); if($this.is(':selected')){ $this.parents('.recurpay__widget').find(".recurpay__widget_container[data-type='subscription-purchase']").find(".recurpay__group_compare_price").html(""); } } if($this.is(':selected')){ $this.parents('.recurpay__widget').find(".recurpay__widget_container[data-type='subscription-purchase']").find(".recurpay__group_selling_price").html(""+formatPriceMoney(discountedPrice)+""); } $this.parents('.recurpay__widget').find(".recurpay__widget_container[data-type='onetime-purchase']").find(".recurpay__group_selling_price").html(""+formatPriceMoney(getVariantPrice)+""); $this.find(".recurpay_selling_price").html(""+formatPriceMoney(discountedPrice)+""); $this.find(".recurpay__plan--prices").show(); }); } // PRODUCT PAGEfunction recurPDP(data){ var prepaidCount = 0, regularCount = 0, prepaidDiscount = [], maxPrepaidDiscount = '', getPlanDesc = ''; GetPlans = ""; $.each(data.plans, function(key, plan) { var DiscountPercentageHtml = '', DescriptionHtml = '', PlanHtml = '', PlanDiscount = 0, PlanType = 'regular'; if(plan.type){ PlanType = plan.type; if(PlanType == 'prepaid'){ prepaidCount += prepaidCount+1; prepaidDiscount.push(plan.discount.value); } else{ regularCount += regularCount+1; } } if(plan.discount.type == "percentage" && plan.discount.value != 0){ PlanDiscount = plan.discount.value; DiscountPercentageHtml = '(' + plan.discount.value + '% Off)'; } if(plan.description) { DescriptionHtml = ''; } PlanHtml += '

' } else{ pdpTemplate += '

' } pdpTemplate += '

' pdpTemplate += '' pdpTemplate += '

' pdpTemplate += '

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' pdpTemplate += '

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' pdpTemplate += '

' pdpTemplate += '' pdpTemplate += '' pdpTemplate += '


' pdpTemplate += '

' pdpTemplate += ''; pdpTemplate += ''; if(recurpay.checkout == "shopify"){ pdpTemplate += ''; } return pdpTemplate;} if($(pdpSelector).length <= 0){ if (window.location.href.indexOf("/products/") > -1) { if($(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).filter(':visible').length){ if($(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).filter(':visible').first().parent().css('display') == 'flex' && $(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).filter(':visible').first().parent().css('flex-direction') == 'row'){ $(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).filter(':visible').first().parent().before("

"); } else{ $(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).filter(':visible').first().before("

"); } if($(pdpSelector).parent().css('position') == 'fixed' || $(pdpSelector).parent().css('position') == 'sticky' || $(pdpSelector).parent().css('position') == 'absolute' ){ $(pdpSelector).parent().addClass("recurpay-z-index"); } } else if($(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).length){ if($(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).first().parent().css('display') == 'flex' && $(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).filter(':visible').first().parent().css('flex-direction') == 'row'){ $(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).first().parent().before("

"); } else{ $(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).first().before("

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") } } } if($(pdpSelector).length){ $.ajax({ url: recurpay.pdpAPI, type: 'GET', async: true, success: function(response) { var pdpHTML = ''; if(response != "ERROR" && response.success == true) { if(response.data.plans.length > 0){ pdpHTML = recurPDP(response.data); fetchVariants(); } } if($(pdpSelector).length && recurpay.product.available == "true"){ $(pdpSelector).html(pdpHTML); if((window.location.href.indexOf("/products/") > -1) && (window.location.href.indexOf("snippet_status=false") > -1)){ $(pdpSelector).before("You are previewing subscriptions currently and the option below is not visible to customers on your live store. Click here if you are ready to show it your customers now.") } } } }); } else{ if((window.location.href.indexOf("/products/") > -1) && (window.location.href.indexOf("recurpay_preview=true") > -1)){ var modalHTML = ""; modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += 'Note: This is not visible to your customers' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

Looks like the subscription option is not visible on your store due to some conflict with theme. Talk to us on Live Chat to get it resolved instantly

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '

' modalHTML += '' modalHTML += '' modalHTML += '

' if($('[data-recurpay-visibility-modal]').length <= 0){ if($('body').length){ $('body').append(modalHTML); } else if($('html').length){ $('html').append(modalHTML); } } } } function recurProperties(){ if($("[name='recurpay__group_main'][value='subscription']").is(":checked")){ var planName = $('[name="recurpay-input"] option:selected').attr('data-plan-name'), planId = $('[name="recurpay-input"] option:selected').attr('data-plan'); $('#recurpay_plan_name').attr("name","properties[Plan]").val(planName); $('#recurpay_plan_id').attr("name","properties[_PlanId]").val(planId); $('.recurpay__description[data-description-id]').hide(); $('.recurpay__description[data-description-id="'+planId+'"]').show(); if(recurpay.checkout == "shopify"){ var sellingPlanId = $('[name="recurpay-input"] option:selected').attr('data-selling-plan'); $('#recurpay_selling_plan_id').attr("name","selling_plan").val(sellingPlanId); } } else{ $('#recurpay_plan_name').attr("name",""); $('#recurpay_plan_id').attr("name",""); if(recurpay.checkout == "shopify"){ $('#recurpay_selling_plan_id').attr("name",""); } } } function addSubscription(){ debugger; var variantSelector = $(pdpSelector).parents(atcFormSelector).find('[name="id"]'), quantitySelector = $(pdpSelector).parents(atcFormSelector).find('[name="quantity"]'), subscriptionPlanId = $('[name="recurpay-input"] option:selected').attr('data-plan'), subscriptionPlanName = $('[name="recurpay-input"] option:selected').attr('data-plan-name'), subscriptionPlanType = $('[name="recurpay-input"] option:selected').attr('data-plan-type'), planVariant = parseInt(variantSelector.val()), planQuantity = 1, planParams = {}; if(quantitySelector.length) { planQuantity = parseInt(quantitySelector.val()); } if(recurpay.checkout == "shopify"){ var sellingPlanId = $('[name="recurpay-input"] option:selected').attr('data-selling-plan'); planParams = { id: planVariant, quantity: planQuantity, selling_plan: sellingPlanId, properties: { 'Plan': subscriptionPlanName, '_PlanId': subscriptionPlanId } } } else{ planParams = { id: planVariant, quantity: planQuantity, properties: { 'Plan': subscriptionPlanName, '_PlanId': subscriptionPlanId } } } if(recurpay.checkout == "recurpay" && !recurpay.prepaidMixedCart && subscriptionPlanType == "prepaid"){ $.getJSON('/cart', function(response) { response.items = []; response.items.push(planParams); recurCart(response); }); } else{ if (recurpay.action == "default" && $(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).length){ $(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).first().click(); } else{ $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/cart/add.js', dataType: 'json', data: planParams, success: function() { if (recurpay.checkout == "recurpay" && recurpay.action == "checkout"){ $.getJSON('/cart', function(response) { recurCart(response); }); } else if(recurpay.action == "cart"){ document.location.href = '/cart'; } else{ document.location.href = '/checkout'; } }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")"); $('[data-recurpay-error]') .html(err.description) .show().delay(3000).fadeOut(); } }); } } } $(document).on('change',"[name='recurpay__group_main']", function(e) { $('.recurpay__widget_container').removeClass("recurpay__widget_container--selected"); var checkVal = $(this).val(); if($(this).is(":checked")){ $(this).parents('.recurpay__widget_container').addClass("recurpay__widget_container--selected"); } if(checkVal == "subscription"){ // $(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).addClass("recurpay-hide"); // $(buynowSelector).addClass("recurpay-hide"); $('.recurpay__plans').show(); $('.recurpay__group_content_wrapper').slideDown(); } else{ // $(atcFormSelector).find(atcSelector).removeClass("recurpay-hide"); // $(buynowSelector).removeClass("recurpay-hide"); $('.recurpay__plans').hide(); $('.recurpay__group_content_wrapper').slideUp(); } recurProperties(); // recurDiscountedPrice(recurpay.product.selectedVariant) }); $(document).on('change',"[name='recurpay-input']", function(e) { recurDiscountedPrice(recurpay.product.selectedVariant); recurProperties(); }); $(document).on('click',".recurpay-modal-cancel-btn", function(e) { $('[data-recurpay-visibility-modal]').hide(); }); if(recurpay.product.only_subscription !== "" && recurpay.product.only_subscription == "true"){ $("[name='recurpay__group_main'][value='subscription']").prop("checked",true).change(); } $(document).on('click',"[data-recurpay-action]", function(e) { addSubscription(); }); if(recurpay.checkout == "recurpay"){ $(document).on('click', checkoutSelector, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $.getJSON('/cart', function(response) { recurCart(response); }) }); if($(recurpay.checkout_btn_override_class).length){ document.addEventListener("click", handler, true); function handler(e) { if($(e.target).is(recurpay.checkout_btn_override_class)){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); $.getJSON('/cart', function(response) { recurCart(response); }); } } } } } //Append jQuery if it is not there, then call to recurpaySubscription //Otherwise directly call to recurpaySubscription if ((typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined')) { initScript('//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js', function() { window.recurpayScript = jQuery.noConflict(true); recurpaySubscription(recurpayScript); }) } else { recurpaySubscription(jQuery); } })();


{{#if show_maximum_qty}} {{/if}} {{#if show_discount_value}} {{/if}} {{#if show_discounted_price}} {{/if}}

What is Prevagen? Learn More about Prevagen (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Views: 6024

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.